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Corbett report´s GLADIO B VIDEO SERIES with Sibel Edmonds
Former FBI whistleblower and webmaster Sibel Edmonds joins James Corbett of The Corbett Report to discuss «Gladio B,» the clandestine NATO operation to fund and foment Islamic terrorists in the Central Asian / Caucasus region to commit terrorism, assassinations and drug running in the interest of western geostrategic agendas.
PART 1: In this ground-breaking interview, famed FBI whistleblower and Boiling Frogs Post founder Sibel Edmonds lays out the thread connecting NATO’s Gladio operations to Turkish paramilitaries and ultra-nationalists, and how the operation continues through cooperation with terrorists and the Islamization of Central Asia and the Caucasus. From Abdullah Çatlı’s remarkable life (and death) to the rise of Fethullah Gulen’s $25 billion (CIA-supported) Islamic network to the NATO takeover of the Afghan poppy crop in the wake of 9/11, you won’t want to miss a moment of this riveting conversation.
[vsw id=»AARtO88G5Ag?list=PLN6xa7kD9dZ_qXHAmm4dx-Bqqy10mSVDZ» source=»youtube» width=»600″ height=»344″ autoplay=»no»]